Scientific Committee

Academics / Scientific Committee

Scientific Committee (SC)

The Scientific Committee is a thematic organization of the Chennai Fertility Centre and Research Institute (CFCRI), founded in 2020. A group of doctors, scientists, and other experts that review the details of a clinical trial or academic study involving human participants or data for scientific quality includes the highest standards of scientific research methodology, clinical practise, and correct design. The term of membership is three years.

Roles and Responsibilities

   To create a conducive environment for the promotion of research and innovation activities in the institute.
   To ensure the research quality of the proposals or studies submitted.
  To recommend the appropriate proposals, studies, or clinical trials to the Institute Human Ethics Committee (IHEC), CFCRI.
   To encourage faculty members to actively participate in research activities.
   To organize frequent training programmes in research methodology.

The members of the Scientific Committee are expected to actively participate in the discussion of every proposal submitted to ensure the quality of the study. Disclose the conflict of interest, if any, immediately to the Chairperson before the start of the discussion of the study or proposal. The norms and regulations given in the standard operating procedures (SOP), version 2, of the Institutional Human Ethics Committee (IHEC), CFC, and RI are applicable to the scientific committee as well.